Most of you know that my relationship with Jesus is the most important to me. God's love never fails and never gives up. He loved us so much that He sent his son to died for us and then raised him from the dead three days later. I love John 3:16 verse that talks about the true love of God.

Remember for all that are single that God has the perfect guy for you all you have to do is trust and wait for his timing. I know I am and as hard as it is at times I know that God's timing is so much better then my own. I pray everyday for the person that God has planned for me. I pray that He is following God and waiting for me as I am waiting for him.
One of my favorite songs that always think of during Valentine's Day is My Paper Heart by Francesca Battistelli. It talks about how my paper heart belongs to God. Part of the song says "never knew that I could feel the way I feel, never knew that there could be a love so real." The love she is talking about in the song is the love of God. I encourage you to go check out the song.
Blessings and Shalom!
Grace Mae <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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