Saturday, December 31, 2016

A Year in Review

Can you believe that 2016 is almost over? I know I can't. Did the year just start? Now we are almost done. This year for me has been the most crazy one yet. So much has happened. The good, the bad and the ugly. LOL :D 

As I have been reflecting over life and the blog this year I'd just like to write about a few highlights and events that stuck out to me. 

January started off great. I had said that it was the New Year, New Beginnings, New Me. Well that all went out the window when my grandma passed away on the 17th. 

February through March I was pretty much a hot mess. I was really grieving the loss of my grandma very hard. There were times when I just wanted to stay home and not wanting to be social. 

March came and I got to go to Winter Jam with some amazing friends, my mom and my sisters. It was an amazing concert. It really helped me bringing me back to reality. Listening and worshiping God with others were amazing. 

April came and we celebrated Easter. That's y favorite holiday after Christmas of course. It's a time to reflect just what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross. 

May was a very busy month for me. It consisted of helping with my parents business as well as working a homeschool convention booth. 

June was my birthday month and I turned 21!! I feel so old. I wanted to go to Chocolate World so that is what my parents and I did. It was so much fun. We also celebrated father's day and one of my sisters birthday. My dad's cousin got married so we had a wedding to attend which is always so much fun. I also took a job at the local pool working in the office. 

July was a super crazy month. It started off with working a ten day craft show dressed in 19th century clothing which was extremely hot! Once I got back we had a small family get together to celebrate my birthday as well as celebrate my cousins upcoming wedding. In between working at the pool before we took a trip to Wisconsin to the big EAA Air Adventure. It was very hot but so much fun. Had a great time with my parents. Lots of memories and lots of pictures. 

August consisted of a lot of fun exciting things. We celebrated my other sisters birthday. I worked at the pool before we took another trip to Missouri for two weeks. It was a crazy two weeks let me tell you. First off we got to see my sisters and go to church and lunch with them. The 24th we celebrated Dad's birthday by going out to eat Mexican. That Friday and Saturday that week I got to go to the homeschool music fest and see friends we haven't seen in three years. They had a dance on Saturday night that lasted until midnight. Barely getting any sleep that night we were up early Sunday morning to drive over an hour to church. I wouldn't have missed that for anything. My sweet sister Amber got engaged to the love of her life. I was so excited to be there when Hayden popped the question after church. If that wasn't excitement enough Monday night my best friend Jordyn who I never met in person came and surprised me with a visit. It was the best three days ever. All this excitement almost killed me. LOL :D 

September was another busy month. We celebrated Mom's birthday and my best friend Jordyn's birthday. Then we took a trip to Washington D.C. for the Value Voter's Summit with Family Research Council. We met lots of people and heard lots of wonderful speakers. I highly recommend going if you have the chance. Later that month we went to Uprise which was another Christian concert. I swear I could spend all my time at concerts. I think the rest off the month settled down some. 

October we went to a wedding in Indiana and then mostly stayed home just going about everyday stuff. 

November picked back up again. The beginning of the month we took another trip to Missouri for a Women's conference. It's was awesome. The conference was put on by Jennifer Rothchild. Then the 13th I got to go to church with my sisters and hung out with them. We went to a Rend Collective, Zach Williams, Urban Rescue concert. I got to spend the night with them and hung out that Monday. It was just what I needed. There's something about spending time with people that think and believe the same as you and that encourages you to be real and yourself. Then we had thanksgiving at my aunts house which was nice. Hanging out with family just eating and playing games. Big news was I joined the writers of Daughters of the Deep. Be sure to check out that community blog. There I write for them once a month. 

December started off with working the huge Christmas Gift Craft show. I have helped work a booth there for three years now. It's always nice seeing returning customers as well as vendors. The rest of the month I was working my butt off knitting Christmas gifts. December was a busy month here for my blog as well. You've probably noticed that I posted everyday up until Christmas. This year for Christmas I was sick with the flu. I've recovered from that now except I have a cold now. 

That my friends is a short year in review. I have big plans for the blog next year. Be sure to check back New Years Day for my post about what all is in store for the blog next year. Also make sure you follow us on Instagram and like us on Facebook to keep up with all the latest news. 

Until next year! May God Bless you today and always. 

Blessings and Shalom,
Grace Mae <3 <3 <3 

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