The last six weeks I joined in a devotional study over on facebook that was called Daughters of Grace. I was so encouraged by this study and shared my journey over on instagram each day. Studying each woman was a blessing to me. There were so many times when I was reading about them that I was like oh my goodness I can relate to her.
One thing that I noticed as I was going through this study is that no matter what God always is there and always sees us. His love is consistent and He is always faithful. We see that all these women had bravery and courage they had.

My favorite woman would have to be Deborah. I never realized how interesting her life was. She was a wife, a prophetess and a judge. She believed in God and was faithful to him. Not only did she lead people into battle but she also lead their hearts back to the Lord as well. While reading through her story we see the cycle of sin the nation went through. One minute they disobeyed and slipped into doing what they thought was right in their own eyes and then next thing they did what God thought was right. Deborah would always give the glory and praise to God when the battle was won. She was a woman who did what God called her to do and then everything she accomplished she gave the praise and honor to Him. We learn through her story that God will use is even if we seem like an unlikely choice. Also we must not take credit for ourselves but realize the victory is through Jesus Christ our Lord. I really enjoyed studying about her. She is a unique life and story.
Another one of my favorites was Priscilla. She was a consistent christian. Both her and her husband became missionaries with Paul. She knew the scriptures and was a woman of the Word. Priscilla was a woman who lived her daily life for Jesus and served everyone around her. We can learn a lot from her. We learn that we need to serve the Lord daily. Even small acts of worship and praise for Him is done with a heart of love and devotion is what matters. When we are where God calls us to be there is no act of service that is insignificant to Him.
I could share with you all day about the different women but that would be a very long post. Over the last six weeks I learned a lot from this devotional. It was a blessing to me. My focus was completely on digging into the Word and learning to be more consistent with my quiet time. I can't encourage you enough that when we spend time in His Word we grow and learn more about Him.
So here is what I am going to leave you with. Start with God, Stay with God, End with God!
Blessings and Shalom,
Grace Mae <3 <3 <3
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