Monday, April 18, 2016

Meditation Mondays - God's Word Equips You

Recently, I have been writing about how important it is to study and learn scripture. I also talked about my favorite method of study called SOAP. Well today I wanted to share about how The Bible is the word of God and how powerful it is.

-Faith and belief in His Word- Our level of faith is determined by our level of belief in His Word and how much of His Word we have in our heart. Faith comes from hearing and hearing produces believing.

I encourage you to equip yourselves with His Word. Dig deeper into it and learn from it.

If you need some help getting started I encourage you to check out my other posts on the SOAP method. I promise you that it is an easy and fun way to study Scripture. It only takes 10 minutes out of your day and it is totally worth it. Also check out my new page BIBLE STUDY RESOURCES for a free printable sheet I created for the SOAP method.

Remember The Power of the Word! God's Word Equips You!

Blessings and Shalom,
Grace Mae <3 <3 <3